Businesses have specific needs, which is why we prefer to provide tailor-made quotes. Use our estimation tool to get a quote in less than 48 hours..
Step 1
Step 2
Do you already have a visual identity ?
Do you already have a logo ?
Step 3
Should your visual identity contain web design ?
Should your visual identity contain graphics for social networks ?
Step 4
Should your visual identity include a video spot ?
Should your visual identity include business cards, envelopes, letterheads and email signatures ?
Should your visual identity include a printed roll up or x-banner ?
Should your visual identity include vehicle decorations ?
Let's get started
The visual identity of a company represents all the graphic elements that make up its signage. This allows it to be identified and immediately recognised among others. The components of the visual identity are :
- The name
- The logo
- The emblem
- The colour, font and size of typefaces used